Medical Imaging

AI Assistant

Build better patient experience and save more lives

Business empowerment

Stay current with latest IT developments, harness growing power of Artificial Intelligence technology and automation.

Image analysis assistance

Maintain reliable workflows with domain experts and introduce assistance when and where required.

Integration and compliance

Wide range of supported formats and rich reporting together with standards compliance ensures productivity boost.

In the healthcare pipeline described above,

there is a shortage in quality assessment.

Reduce wait times

We are aiming to make the period between the lung scans and the doctors’ appointment much shorter by using AI to do the early assessment and then using assessment to prioritize the urgency. That means that if patient A is first in the queue but our model estimates the lungs are healthy, the patient could be rescheduled in the queue since it does not require urgent care. On the other hand, if the lung scan of patient B shows that patient B requires and urgent care, the patient could be rescheduled in order to be a priority.

Help Specialists make quality decisions faster

Expanding teams of experts to scale capacity for the assessment of the scans requires time and many resources. Additionally, the manual labor scales up poorly. Last, but not the least, there is human in the loop, and with it also comes a human error.

Get started with Aneural


Automatic region segmentation.


Detection and isolation of lesions.


Natural language interaction.

User: Please apply classification to the scan below:

A-bot: Numerous calcified masses in the left lung, amorphous type, likely chondromatous tumours or amyloid.

Reach full potential by integrating Aneural service with your solution